PGDip Biomedical and Health Care Ethics

Year 2

(Award available for year: Postgraduate Diploma)

Learning outcomes

Subject Specific Learning Outcomes

1- Apply core moral concepts and principles to ethical issues that arise in medical and health care contexts.
2- Critique arguments for and against decisions made about ethical issues in different kinds of medical and health care situations.
3- Develop your own views and arguments within the field of biomedical and health care ethics.
4- Critically evaluate contemporary literature in biomedical and health care ethics.

Skills Learning Outcomes

1- Reflect on, empathise and engage with a diverse range of perspectives. (Academic, Sustainability and Work Ready skill)
2- Communicate your ideas in a clear and scholarly manner. (Academic and Work Ready skill)
3- Identify when, why and how to appropriately acknowledge someone else’s work and ideas (Academic and Work Ready skill)
4- Apply research skills and specialist knowledge in new contexts. (Academic, Work Ready and Enterprise skill)
5- Apply ethical perspectives to contemporary problems in medicine and health care. (Academic, Work Ready, Sustainability and Enterprise skill)
6- Communicate and collaborate constructively and professionally with peers in order to share ideas and to engage in online dialogue and debate. (Academic, Digital, Sustainability and Work Ready skill)


Students will be assessed on the learning outcomes for each module, which will satisfy the learning outcomes for the programme over the entirety of the course. The forms of assessment will differ across modules but will typically be conducted by written coursework essays and contribution to online discussion boards. Academic support will be provided through unassessed formative exercises and consultation opportunities with module leaders and academic personal tutors.

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