Programme Catalogue Glossary

These are not formal definitions but are meant to provide guidance for students to help them understand the programme catalogue.

Words and terms


This refers to the final outcome of the programme of study onto which you are registered.

Benchmark Statement

The Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education has worked with academic subject specialists to produce statements for each discipline which cover the skills and knowledge which characterise study in each subject taught in the University. Some of the University's programmes of study have content which relates to more than one of the Benchmark Statements.

Compulsory Module

These are modules which must be taken for you to be able to progress with your programme or to be eligible for award. Compulsory modules contain the essential parts of the programme and often you will be automatically registered for them. Although you have to take these modules you do not always have to pass them. Modules you must pass will be identified in the Programme Catalogue by the letters 'PFP'.


These are linked modules at the same level which must be taken together. You will not be able to register for one of these modules unless you also register for the other.

Curricular Regulations

These are the University's rules governing study for a particular award.

Discovery Modules (previously Electives)

Where your programme allows you to take discovery modules, this is an opportunity to study beyond your core subject, to pursue an existing interest or try something completely new. There are over 1,000 discovery modules and these are grouped under 10 interdisciplinary Discovery Themes, ranging from 'Creating Sustainable Futures' and 'Language and Intercultural Understanding' to 'Mind and Body' and 'Power and Conflict'. All the Themes and a complete list of discovery modules can be accessed by visiting the Discovery Themes web pages in Leeds for Life (


Where your programme allows you to study elective modules this is to allow you to gain specific skills, such as a foreign language, or to study something on a completely different topic that interests you. You may not choose an elective module which covers the same material as any of your compulsory or optional modules. The modules which can taken as electives are detailed in the Electives Handbook which is published each year ( Your School may be able to advise you on which electives are particularly appropriate for your programme.

Eligibility for Award

You become eligible for the award of your named programme when you have passed enough credits at each level and in each year of your programme, including any modules which have been marked by the letters 'PFP'.

Learning Outcomes

These are what students successfully completing the module or programme will be expected to have achieved.


The individual units of study which comprise the programme, successful completion of which leads to the award. Each module will have its own objectives, syllabus and assessment schedule. A module is usually completed within one or two semesters.

Module Catalogue

The Module Catalogue contains the general information relating to teaching, syllabus and assessment for each module offered by the University. More detailed information on each module will be provided by the School delivering the module.

Module Level

The level relates to the modules and where they fit within the national framework for student progression. There are rules for each programme governing the programme year in which a particular module can be taken.

Optional Modules

These are modules from which you can choose. Your programme may require you to take a certain number of modules from stated lists. There are clear instructions about the choice for each programme of study. Your School may give you advice about choosing from the optional modules available.

Pass required for Progression/Award

The letters 'PFP' identify those modules that you must take and pass in order to continue with your programme. You must pass these modules before you can be considered for an award.


These are modules which must be taken and passed before you can take a particular module at the next level. They contain essential skills and knowledge which you must have to be able to study at a higher level.

Programme Catalogue

The Programme Catalogue contains the general information relating to each programme of study offered by the University. More detailed information on individual programmes of study will be provided by your School.

Programme of Study

The course followed by individual students which leads to an award of the University. Each programme of study will have specified learning outcomes all of which a student will have achieved on successfully completing the programme.

Programme Year

The year refers to the stage within the programme at which individual modules are taken.


Progression refers to your permission to move onto the next year of the programme. It is based upon the number of credits you have accumulated in each programme year and the compulsory and optional modules you have passed.

Rules for Award

These rules explain how the University will determine whether you have met the progression and eligibility requirements for your programme. They cover issues such as marking, progress from one programme year to another, eligibility for award, classification of degrees.

Skills Discovery Modules

These are undergraduate modules which develop specific key skills and which you can take as discovery modules at any stage in your programme, but which will always count as if they were taken in Year 2 for classification purposes. Your School will offer advice on whether a skills discovery module is appropriate for you.

Skills Electives

These are undergraduate modules which develop specific key skills and which you can take as electives at any stage in your programme but which will always count as if they were taken in Year 2 for classification purposes. Your School will offer advice on whether a Skills Elective is appropriate for you.