MA Philosophy

Year 2

(Award available for year: Master of Arts)

Learning outcomes

1. Demonstrate in-depth knowledge and a sophisticated critical understanding of concepts, information and techniques at the forefront of analytic philosophy;
2. Apply philosophical intellectual skills and abilities;
3. Critically and creatively evaluate current issues and research in philosophy across a range of topics/areas;
4. Formulate your own philosophical ideas and arguments, based on independent research;
5. Plan and produce an extended piece of independent research, demonstrating advanced scholarship, in a focused subject area.

Skills Learning Outcomes

6. Express yourself in written form in a clear, concise, focused and structured manner (Academic and Work Ready Skill)
7. Search for, evaluate and synthesise appropriate and relevant sources to strengthen the quality of academic work and independent research (Academic, Work Ready and Enterprise Skill)
8. Identify when, why and how to appropriately acknowledge someone else’s work and ideas (Academic and Work Ready Skill)
9. Use reasoning and judgement to make decisions and solve problems (Academic, Work Ready and Enterprise Skill)


Students will be assessed on the learning outcomes for each module, which will satisfy the learning outcomes for the programme over the entirety of the course regardless of the choices of optional modules. Assessment will usually be conducted through written coursework essays, as is standard in analytic philosophy as a way of effectively assessing the subject specific learning and skills outcomes. Academic support will be provided through unassessed formative exercises and consultation opportunities with module leaders and academic personal tutors.

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