2024/25 Undergraduate Module Catalogue

MODL1150 Worlds of Literature

20 Credits Class Size: 120

Module manager: Dr Richard Hibbitt
Email: R.Hibbitt@leeds.ac.uk

Taught: Semesters 1 & 2 (Sep to Jun) View Timetable

Year running 2024/25

This module is approved as a discovery module

Module summary

Drawing on the wide range of languages and cultures taught in LCS, this module will challenge you to think critically about your perceptions of literature, raise your awareness of intellectual, philosophical, political and ethical questions, and introduce you to some of the concepts and approaches that will help you to negotiate different literary traditions. This introduction to literary analysis is illustrated by a varied selection of texts, including short stories, drama, poetry, and novels.


-To introduce some of the key concepts and methodologies necessary for students studying literature.

-To develop students' ability to analyse, evaluate and interpret literary texts.

-To develop the skills of close reading and detailed textual analysis.

-To enhance students' knowledge and critical appreciation of a selection of literary texts from different languages, cultures and societies (in English translation).

-To provide a solid grounding for the study of literary modules at Levels 2 and 3.

Learning outcomes

On successful completion of the module students will have demonstrated the following learning outcomes relevant to the subject:

1. demonstrate understanding of some of the key concepts and approaches used in the study of literature

2. demonstrate an ability for close reading and discussion of a variety of literary texts, embracing different languages, cultures, genres and periods

3. synthesise their understanding by making contrasts and comparisons between the literary texts studied

Skills Learning Outcomes:

On successful completion of the module students will have demonstrated the following skills learning outcomes:

4. Communicate their ideas accurately and effectively

5. Formulate and present arguments by supporting them with evidence and sound reasoning, avoiding biases in their own reasoning

6. Reflect and act upon feedback to improve their work


Details of the syllabus will be provided on the Minerva organisation (or equivalent) for the module.

Teaching Methods

Delivery type Number Length hours Student hours
Lectures 15 1 15
Seminar 15 1 15
Independent online learning hours 20
Private study hours 150
Total Contact hours 30
Total hours (100hr per 10 credits) 200

Opportunities for Formative Feedback

Informal formative feedback will be given on seminar discussions throughout the year. Students will be given the opportunity to write an unassessed essay plan and essay before the Easter vacation, on which they will receive written feedback. They will then revise and extend the draft essay in the light of the feedback, into a final version to be summatively assessed, and they will write a short report commenting on how they responded to the feedback. The revision seminar at the end of Semester 2 will support students in this process.

Methods of Assessment

Assessment type Notes % of formal assessment
Essay Essay 80
Report Report 20
Total percentage (Assessment Coursework) 100

The report comprises a reflection on feedback received on a draft of the essay and a commentary on how the student responded to the feedback in rewriting the draft for the final assessed essay submission. Resits will take the same form.

Reading List

The reading list is available from the Library website

Last updated: 4/15/2024

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