2024/25 Undergraduate Module Catalogue

LLLC2285 Working with Change, Conflict and Crisis with Children and Families

20 Credits Class Size: 30

Module manager: Nathan Loynes
Email: n.loynes@leeds.ac.uk

Taught: Semester 2 (Jan to Jun) View Timetable

Year running 2024/25

Module replaces

Management of Self and Others

This module is approved as a discovery module

Module summary

This module acknowledges that professional intervention with families often takes place under difficult antecedents and circumstances. Even in cases where intervention has been requested by families there will likely be instances in the development of the intervention where families feel challenged by professional advice and the possible requirement to change behaviours. This module will concentrate on the personal competences required by professionals in order for them to facilitate principled change. Competence development will be underpinned by a grasp of theory and research. To develop as effective practitioners and employees, students need to develop themselves in terms of understanding their own responses to change, conflict and crisis. This will involve the exploration of communication skills and relationship building and listening and counselling skills. This will incorporate the development of self-awareness and resillience for students regarding their particular personalities and unique interpersonal styles, with the potential effects of these on other people.


This module introduces students to established theories of change conflict and crisis. Students will be taught using the case study method, in which they will be encouraged to think about supporting hypothetical children and families through varying processes of change. Students will be encouraged to re-evaluate their understanding of conflict and crisis, and see potential for these to be positive change catylists. Students wil reflect upon their own emotional and behavioural responses to change, conflict and crisis in order to become more resilient learners and practitioners.

Learning outcomes

On completion of this module, students should be able to:

1. Demonstarte skills in communication, relationship building, negotiation, conflict resolution and the management of change.

2. Describe key aspects of resistance to change and how conflict and crises might emerge in ineffectively managed relationships.
3. Apply change, conflict, and crisis theories when problem solving when working with children and families in challenging contexts.
4. Demonstrate a developed self awareness, reflection skills and resilience and understand the role of these skills in direct work with children and families.


How do we respond to change, reflection and resilience, introduction to change theory, loss, grief and withdrawal, aggression and resistance,r espect and assertiveness, oppression and empowerment, introduction to crisis theory, solution focused approaches, motivational interviewing

Teaching Methods

Delivery type Number Length hours Student hours
Workshop 1 5 5
Seminar 10 1 10
Tutorial 2 1 2
Independent online learning hours 83
Private study hours 100
Total Contact hours 17
Total hours (100hr per 10 credits) 200

Private study

This will be a ‘flipped’ class in line with the Child and Family Studies Programme suite of modules. Students are expected to learn from interactive online materials prior to attending each weekly seminar wherein this prior learning will be applied and formatively assessed. Alongside maintaining expected progress and learning within the structured online interactive resources, it is expected that students deepen, extend and enhance their learning by consulting with recommended and self-sourced academic texts on the subject.

Opportunities for Formative Feedback

Students will receive instantaneous formative feedback on their understanding via electronic, online materials. The concepts encountered each week online will be revisited in the face-to-face flipped session in class, within ‘real world’ applications such as, but not exhaustively, family case studies.
Furthermore, the summative assessment of the ‘case study report’ will build upon student’s emerging skills at addressing case-study application, encountered on a week-by-week basis. It is envisaged that the weekly formaitive case studies (and similar) will develop in complexity until approximately matching what is expected of student’s application of skills and theory in the final summative case study assessment.
The final summative reflective journal assignment on individual student responses will involved individualised formative feedback responses to e-journal draft entries from lecturers. Lecturer responseses wil encourage students to consider ‘How they might respond differently to trigger events in their professional practice.

Methods of Assessment

Assessment type Notes % of formal assessment
Report 3,000 word Case Study Report on affecting change with a family in crisis 60
Reflective log 2,000 word Reflection on my improved responses to change and conflict. 40
Total percentage (Assessment Coursework) 100

Normally resits will be assessed by the same methodology as the first attempt, unless otherwise stated

Reading List

The reading list is available from the Library website

Last updated: 4/29/2024

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