2024/25 Undergraduate Module Catalogue

LISS1001 British Literature and The Brontës

10 Credits Class Size: 30

Module manager: Milena Schwab-Graham
Email: M.Schwab-Graham@leeds.ac.uk

Taught: Semester 1 Jul to 31 Aug View Timetable

Year running 2024/25

Pre-requisite qualifications

GPA of 2.5 (US) or equivalent and enrolled at a university

This module is not approved as a discovery module

Module summary

This module will provide students with an introduction to British Literature with a particular focus on well-known authors from the region, including the Brontës. Charlotte, Emily, and Anne Brontë lived at Haworth Parsonage, only a few miles from Leeds, which will be visited as part of this module. During the 1840s and 50s they wrote some of the most original and challenging fiction of the Victorian period, which retains its popularity and still inspires criticism, fiction, popular culture, and film adaptations. Other British authors including Charles Dickens, Elizabeth Gaskell, Oscar Wilde, and the Pre-Raphaelite poets may be included in the curriculum. Throughout the course you will read a range of texts by these authors and explore these writings each day in class by means of group discussions and a workshop on writing a critical commentary. Please note you must read the novel Jane Eyre by Charlotte Brontë and the play The Importance of Being Earnest by Oscar Wilde before the start of the summer school.


This module will provide students with an introduction to British Literature with a particular focus on well-known authors including Wilde, the Rossettis and especially the Brontë sisters. It will extend students' knowledge of nineteenth-century literature across three forms – poetry, drama and the novel. It will ask students to make thematic cross-references between the texts studied.

Learning outcomes

Students will gain knowledge of a range of British writers. They will have participated in workshops, discussions, and field trips that will foster analytical, interpretative and creative responses. Students will have developed skills in close reading and research.

The dual assessment, by reflective log and commentary, will develop individual writing research and writing strategies and foster capacities for working with others.


Literature from:
- Charlotte, Emily and Anne Brontë
- The Pre-Raphaelite Poets
- Oscar Wilde

Teaching Methods

Delivery type Number Length hours Student hours
On-line Learning 1 15 15
Visit 1 10 10
Fieldwork 1 8 8
Seminar 8 3 24
Private study hours 43
Total Contact hours 57
Total hours (100hr per 10 credits) 100

Private study

Pre-course preparatory work (materials available on the VLE): 15 hours
Students will be encouraged to undertake further reading during non-class time using the 'Suggested further reading' on the module syllabus as a guide; they may also be set preparation tasks.

Pre-course prepatory work (materials available on the VLE): 15 hours

Opportunities for Formative Feedback

Student monitoring will be ongoing on a day-to-day basis.

Methods of Assessment

Assessment type Notes % of formal assessment
Written Work 700 word commentary (critical response to a particular passage) 50
Tutorial Performance Class participation 10
Reflective log 500 words 40
Total percentage (Assessment Coursework) 100

Normally resits will be assessed by the same methodology as the first attempt, unless otherwise stated

Reading List

There is no reading list for this module

Last updated: 4/29/2024

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