2024/25 Undergraduate Module Catalogue

FOBS2240 Skills in Communicating Research beyond the University

10 Credits Class Size: 55

Module manager: Dr Charlotte Haigh
Email: C.Haigh@leeds.ac.uk

Taught: Semester 2 (Jan to Jun) View Timetable

Year running 2024/25

This module is approved as a discovery module

This module is approved as a skills discovery module

Module summary

This module will allow you to develop your skills in communicating current research to selected audiences from outside the University. Within academia we are trained in writing and presenting to colleagues and peers, but little about communicating research at an appropriate level, and in an interesting way, to an audience group from the general public. This module will enable you to develop key skills that both graduate employers and the research community are looking for. You will be able to design, and implement effectively, appropriate activities to communicate the research to a general audience. The skills covered will include an overview of aims and purposes of engaging a wider audience, event management, marketing, communication, role of the media, funding, what makes quality public engagement, skills for effective partnership, working with museums, understanding your audience, using social media to engage, ethics and evaluation for impact. These are all key skills which will make you competitive, and help you succeed in the global research and employment market. This is a discovery module, open to all students, emphasising the link between research and student education. Working in partnership across the University:Students will be working with networks and services across the institution (e.g. Sustainability, Student Volunteering, Digital Team, Alumni, Educational Engagement and Communications, Employability Officers, Engagement Champions, Outreach Fellows and the University’s Public Engagement Network members) and in consultation with other Institutions, to learn from best practice.


By the end of this module, students should have a basic understanding of the research ongoing in their part of the University focussing through the assessment on one aspect, and be able to communicate this to a variety of audiences outside of the University community.

Learning outcomes

On completion of the module students will be able to:
1. Highlight the importance of engaging the wider public audience with research at the University, plan events, market and communicate these effectively;
2. Be aware of health and safety and ethical issues;
3. Understand different audiences and be able to create bespoke activities dependant on audience needs;
4. Enhance their communication skills, both written and verbal, and learn about working within the museum sector;
5. Be aware of the potential to work with the public in co-designing research and collaborating with them;
6. Learn about evaluation and self-reflection of practice and how public engagement can lead to demonstrating impact of research;
7. Be made aware of potential employment opportunities that have these skills embedded within.

This is a theoretical module but skills will be assessed through the production of the written assessment.

Skills outcomes

This module is completely multi-disciplinary and should appeal to students irrespective of the programme of study. The project can take the multi-disciplinary skills learnt from the module and put them in context.


- Topical research issues
- Importance of Public engagement with the University
- Planning and event management
- Health, safety and ethics
- Know your audience
- Media and marketing
- Communication skills
- Working with external organisations
- Collaboration, co-design, participatory research
- Evaluation
- Demonstrating impact
- Employability

Teaching Methods

Delivery type Number Length hours Student hours
Workshop 7 2 14
e-Lecture 2 1 2
Oral Class 1 4 4
Student-led discussion 1 1 1
Independent online learning hours 9
Private study hours 70
Total Contact hours 21
Total hours (100hr per 10 credits) 100

Private study

Private study will involve work prior to and following workshops. It will involve study for the piece of summative assessment submitted.
Submission to a reflective blog as formative assessment.

Opportunities for Formative Feedback

Engagement with the module will be assessed by submission to the reflective online blog, attendance at the sessions, engagement in the sessions and each student will get formative feedback in week 7/8 when they present their ideas to staff and each other.

Methods of Assessment

Assessment type Notes % of formal assessment
In-course Assessment Students choose from one of the following 1) a public engagement grant proposal. 2) A pre-recorded escalator pitch and written answers to key interview questions 3) Creation of an e-portfolio based on designing an output, getting feedback, reflecting and developing 4) an evidence-based report or other similar appropriate assessment. 100
Oral Presentation Formative assessment: Present project plan to group 0
Reflective log Engagement with the module will be assessed by submission to the reflective online blog 4 times during the semester, attendance at the workshops, attendance and engagement in the one to one tutorial. 0
Total percentage (Assessment Coursework) 100

Oral presentation and reflective log will be required to pass the module.

Reading List

There is no reading list for this module

Last updated: 4/29/2024

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