2024/25 Undergraduate Module Catalogue

ARAB1003 Persian for Beginners

20 Credits Class Size: 40

Module manager: Dr Vahideh Golzard
Email: smlvg@leeds.ac.uk

Taught: Semesters 1 & 2 (Sep to Jun) View Timetable

Year running 2024/25

This module is approved as a discovery module

This module is approved as a skills discovery module

Module summary

This module offers you an opportunity to delve into the rich cultural, linguistic, and historical aspects of the Persian language. It provides students with the chance to develop their skills in four areas of language acquisition: listening comprehension, speaking, reading, and writing. A good knowledge of Arabic is helpful for reading Persian. The module is designed as a Discovery module for both undergraduate and postgraduate students..For further information please consult our website: <A HREF="http://www.leeds.ac.uk/arabic">www.leeds.ac.uk/arabic</A>.


This module is designed for those who wish to attain a basic understanding of the Persian language covering four skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing. It aims to equip students with the Persian alphabet, morphology and syntax, and basic sentence constructions in Persian, the basics of Persian grammar and acquire limited vocabulary to be able, with the aid of a dictionary, to read basic modern texts and conduct basic everyday conversation.

Learning outcomes

On successful completion of the module students will have demonstrated the following learning outcomes relevant to the subject:

1. demonstrate knowledge of key names, terms, and developments in Persian cultural, social and political history.

2. demonstrate a broad understanding of the major political and social changes and challenges in modern and contemporary Iran

3. engage with academic debates in the field of Persian's history, society and culture.

Skills Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of the module students will have demonstrated the following skills learning outcomes:

4. Communicate ideas concisely and coherently in writing

5. Demonstrate an understanding of commonly used vocabulary and everyday expressions related to the covered topics.

6. Exhibit awareness of linguistic and cultural differences in the use of Persian.

7. manage time effectively

Competence Standards
On successful completion of the module students will have demonstrated the following competence standards:

1. Language Proficiency:

Listening: The students will demonstrate the ability to understand basic Persian including everyday conversations.

Speaking: the students will communicate effectively in Persian, expressing ideas, opinions, and information clearly and coherently.

Reading: the students will comprehend basic written Persian texts.

Writing: the students will produce well-structured and grammatically accurate written content in Persian.

2.Cultural Awareness:

The students will demonstrate an understanding of Persian culture, traditions, and social norms.

3.Independant Learning:

The students will demonstrate the ability to independently learn and improve Persian language skills outside the classroom.

4.Digital Literacy:

The students will engage in written and spoken communication in Persian through digital platforms.

5.Communication Skills:

The student will engage in meaningful conversations in Persian, demonstrating appropriate use of language.

6. Vocabulary and Grammar:

The students will effectively use a diverse range of Persian vocabulary relevant to everyday life.

The students will demonstrate a basic understanding of Persian grammar rules and apply them accurately in both spoken and written communication.


A wide range of subjects will be presented in class, including audio-visual resources and written materials. This course encourages simple conversation, as well as interactive communications in class through the use of a variety of materials. The students will be using some oral Persian skills. Topics covered at this level include communication in everyday situations. This module will introduce basic grammar fields and more syntactic constructions, as well as continuing to expand students' vocabulary in a variety of lexical fields. Students will also be introduced to lower intermediate materials.

Teaching Methods

Delivery type Number Length hours Student hours
Lecture 21 2 42
Private study hours 158
Total Contact hours 42
Total hours (100hr per 10 credits) 200

Opportunities for Formative Feedback

Students' progress will be monitored through language coursework and written examination in May/June. Some of the assessments in this module will be formative. Formative feedback includes:

Verbal feedback provided during in-class language presentations, emphasizing aspects such as pronunciation, fluency, and appropriate language usage.

Written comments addressing language clarity, choice of vocabulary, and effective communication.

Encouragement for students to collaborate in pairs or small groups for language practice, along with feedback on teamwork and communication skills.

Methods of Assessment

Assessment type Notes % of formal assessment
Assignment Coursework: 10 mins, set during semester 2 10
Assignment Coursework: Language Coursework set fortnightly 40
Total percentage (Assessment Coursework) 50

Normally resits will be assessed by the same methodology as the first attempt, unless otherwise stated

Exam type Exam duration % of formal assessment
Standard exam (closed essays, MCQs etc) (S2) 3.0 Hrs 0 Mins 50
Total percentage (Assessment Exams) 50

Normally resits will be assessed by the same methodology as the first attempt, unless otherwise stated

Reading List

The reading list is available from the Library website

Last updated: 3/1/2024

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